How to cancel an order

How to change or cancel an order

You can cancel your order within approximately 24 hours of:
If you cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it, hangdiy will charge a 7% handling fee.
However, we cannot cancel your order for you after your order has been shipped.

If you need to change your order information, including the shipping address and product specifications, please contact our customer service before the package is shipped. Please also provide the correct order information to customer service. However, if the package has already been shipped, we will not be able to help you change your order information.
If you are unable to cancel your order, please take advantage of our expedited return/exchange process.
Orders placed by in the continental United States are eligible for free returns within 30 days of receipt (up to 60 days).

How can I change my shipping address?

If you need to change your address or order information, please contact our customer service at prior to shipping.
We do not support address changes if an order has already shipped.

If a shipping address is entered incorrectly at checkout and delivered to the wrong address, then the order is not eligible for reimbursement. This includes auto-filling the incorrect shipping address through a third party payment provider (e.g. PayPal, ApplePay, Afterpay, etc.). We strongly recommend that customers verify that all order details are correct before placing an order.